We keep you at the top
COSWIG GUSS has been offering first-class roll and hand mould castings and innovative engineering for over 125 years. With a production capacity of 40,000 tons per year and over 260 qualified specialists, we are a strong and reliable partner for demanding tasks in various industries. Worldwide.
Innovative engineering for customized solutions.
COSWIG GUSS is the expert in roll and hand mould casting. We offer flexible know-how for customized solutions. Leading companies from various industries around the world rely on our engineers and skilled workers. Thanks to our own research and close cooperation with research institutes, we are pushing the boundaries in roll and hand mould casting on a daily basis. Our engineering expertise turns innovations into customer solutions.
Highest quality thanks to continuous modernization.
COSWIG GUSS is one of the most modern foundries in Europe with a production capacity of 40,000 tons per year and a unit weight of up to 55 tons. Our innovative technology ensures that predicted performance potentials are also exploited in reality. Continuous investment in the modernization of our machinery and the qualification of our skilled employees ensure that our customers have a permanent competitive advantage.
DiHAG Image Film 2023
Innovative casting solutions for every project

Roll casting
Rollers from COSWIG GUSS can increase the efficiency of any production line. The key to success is profile and upsetting rollers as well as rolling rings and pistons, which our engineers tailor precisely to our customers' production processes. For maximum rolling performance, long service life and minimized costs.
Roll casting
Hand mould casting
COSWIG GUSS is the specialist when it comes to sophisticated and innovative casting solutions. Whether you are a wind energy company, a manufacturer of grinding and crushing plants or a machine builder, we can help you shorten development processes, reduce costs and improve products with our in-depth engineering and expert industry knowledge.
Hand mould castingNews & Dates

Strong together
Mit unseren zehn Tochterunternehmen, die eigenständig in ihrem jeweiligen Marktsegment agieren, sind wir ganz nah am Kundenmarkt.
Coswig Guss GmbH is part of the internationally active DiHAG Integrated Foundry Group. 7 other locations are represented in Germany and Europe. The broad positioning enables the Group to have a diversified portfolio and makes it independent of potential economic crises at individual client companies.
Read more- 1DiHAG Foundry Group · Headquarter
- 2DiHAG Foundry Group · Office Düsseldorf
- 3Coswig Guss
- 4DiHAG Gienanth
- 5DiHAG Hasenclever
- 6DiHAG Zaigler
- 7Eurometall Budapest
- 8EWA Arnstadt Guss
- 9Kernwerk
- 10Lintorf Guss
- 11Meuselwitz Guss
- 12OZB Bydgoszcz
- 13Schmiedeberg Guss
- 14SHB Leipzig Guss